Shri Jagdamba Samiti was selected for SWAJAL project in the year 1997.
This is a collaborative effort of Govt. of Utter Pradesh/ Uttaranchal and World Bank to facilitate drinking water and sanitation systems in the rural areas.
So far the following achievements have been reached out against the mentioned objectives:
- Construction. of 100 toilets (personal) in different villages of Tehri district..
- Construction of nine drinking water supply systems.
- Formation of nine village water and sanitation committee.
- Formation of nine women groups named Swajal Saheli Samooh.
- Awareness programs operation and maintenance of drinking water and sanitation infrastructure are being organized time to time.

Village Maletha has been voted and selected as the best village among the nine villages, where SWAJAL activities are being, implemented. Each family in this village deposits monthly contribution to maintain the village water supply system after the project period is over, and Shri Jagdamba Samiti has called back its field worker from the village. The SWAJAL Saheli Samooh still has its popularity among the women in the village. There is a very strong support from the villagers especially from the women groups as they feel this is the sign of modern life and advancement in current perspective. This, village may become a motivating force for other villages in future.
- To construct drinking water supply systems and sanitation system in the villages of Bhilangana block of Tehri Garhwal.
- To motivate community to construct the personal toilets.
- Formations of women self- help groups.
- Participation, construction and maintenance, and financial contribution from the villagers
Water Harvesting Tank Projects
Project Proposal For
Integrated Application Of Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting Tank And Vegetable Cultivation In Kitchen Garden For Nutrion
Block Of Tehri Garwal Dist- UttarakhanIntegrated Application of Roof Top
Rain Water Harvesting Tank and Vegetable Cultivation in Kitchen Gardens for Nutrition Security in Bhilangana Block of Tehri Garhwal District in Uttarakhand.
Project synopsis (A brief description of the technology and also indicating the past attempts if any, by the governmental and non-governmental agencies for spreading the proposed technology in the target area)
This project aims to establish roof-top rainwater Harvesting Technology for integrated application especially in development of kitchen garden for nutritional security in 5 villages of Bhilangana Valley of Bhilangana Block in Tehri District (Uttarakhand). It is a simple and low cost technology of roof rainwater harvesting through Ferrocement tanks. Although the land of the area is very fertile for cultivation of vegetable but due to water scarcity in the area, people could not cultivate vegetable for their own use as well as commercial purpose so their income could also be increased.
The Organization has already conducted a detailed baseline survey of this area in this regards and after analyzing the data it has been revealed that water scarcity is a major problem there and the people of that area are mostly facing this problem. The VO has also selected the beneficiaries during baseline survey.
The rainfall detail in proposed area for the year 2005 and 2006 is given as under.